#8-Repetition: Pointillism!

Once again I’m on an arts and crafts kick.  Lots of artists and styles come to mind when I think of repetition- specifically Andy Warhol with his famous repetitive Campbell soups and Marilyn Monroe paintings, as well as the Pointillism technique of art used by artists such as Claude Monet and George Seurat.  As most people know, pointillism is a technique of using small dots put together to make one large image.  Pointillism is a great example of repetition in artwork.

So I yet again attempted to make two flower portraits on kleenex sheets using the repetitive pointillism technique, as well as the alternating colors of the repetitive flowers on each Kleenex sheet, similar to Andy Warhol’s past pieces.  Not quite on their level, but I tried best I could!

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